For over 30 years, Palmetto Family Council has been the strongest defender of family, faith and freedom in South Carolina. Our record is unrivaled.
Victories for Life
Passage and signing of S.1 (Fetal Heartbeat Act) in February of 2021
Proviso restricting Planned Parenthood funding
Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act
Telemedicine Abortion Ban
An ultrasound must be offered before an abortion can be performed.
Abortion clinics must inform their patients that unborn children can feel pain.
Unborn children are persons when victims of crime.
The abortion reflection period is now twenty-four times longer than before.
Any infant born alive, regardless of the circumstances (even if surviving an abortion) is now protected by law.
South Carolina will not be required to cover abortions under the new healthcare reform system.
Victories for Family
Volunteer Charity Care Act
Human Trafficking Act
The Right to Try experimental drugs for terminally ill patients.
Pornography is restricted on cable television.
“I thought she was of age” is no longer a defense for sexual predators.
The Age of Consent is now clear in the law and the South Carolina Constitution.
Sex between teachers and students is a separate, specific crime.
Internet predators are banned from Facebook in South Carolina.
11-year-olds will not be required to be vaccinated for sexual diseases.
Laws against human trafficking were established.
Victories for Marriage
Marriage is defined in the South Carolina Constitution as for one man and one woman
Couples may enjoy a $50 tax credit for pre-martial counseling.
Efforts to change alimony laws to help the unfaithful spouse have been defeated.
Victories for Religious Liberty
Public Invocations Act
The Ten Commandments may be displayed in public buildings.
Students must be allowed to express their faith in school — at the pole and in class.
Commencement prayers at public colleges have been preserved
Victories for Education
Founding Documents Act
Exceptional Needs Tax Credit
Schools must follow state abstinence laws in sex education or lose funding.
Students may receive graduation credit for off-campus Bible study.
The Bible may be taught as history and literature in public schools.
Biology standards must allow critique of evolution.
Public colleges have backed away from assigning inappropriate Freshman summer reading.
Homeschool students may participate in public school interscholastic activities.
Victories against Addictions
Powered alcohol has been banned.
Synthetic meth and marijuana have been banned.
The expansion of gambling in the form of poker, bingo, raffles, gaming machines and casinos has been stopped.
A new casino in North Charleston was halted through the efforts of Palmetto Family’s Pastors Network.